
Friday, 27 February 2015



Harry's winding wheel and THE DRESS

So. Somebody on tumblr was talking about a dress. Which tuned into the entire 1D fandom on tumblr looking at a dress.
Which then became the directioners on twitter talking about. And ultimately it ended up as a 1st ww trend.
I don't even wanna go into that anymore

But Harry might just have referenced it with his latest IG/twitter post
"So buy a pretty dress/ wear it out tonight"

...however it could also be harry being harry and warning us, because he did so once before using this song:

That post from dec.13 was, as far as i remember (this is when i just got into the fandom) followed by "candids" of Elounor. The lyrics is obviously about somebody who is sort of jealous because his girl is going out showing her "pretty dress" off for everyone. Still, he says she should wear it "for anyone you think could out do me", which implies his trust in the relationship.
The song is basically about having to share someone with everybody else but still knowing the person's gonna come back to you.

I also have a third theory, or kinda like an extension of the warning-theory, as there is two pairs of shoes in the lower right corner of the IG picture he posted.

This is kind of a head canon. But only kind of.
I don't know crazy amounts of stuff about Japan, but i',m kind of a animé and manga geek, so i know a little and used to read about japanese culture ad myths and stuff.

Asides from the shoes obviously being there for a reason (they're right in the corner, deliberately left in the frame), i also regocnized the type of shoe with the wooden sole.
I was like "...okay have i watched too many animés, or is this the type of shoes you wear to hot springs?"
In japanese culture it is an old custom (which not as many people  practices today, except for tourists) to go to public bath houses. An Onsen is a hot spring facility you pay to enter, and since the picture Harry posted is outside i thought it would make sense if they were at a hot spring.
  I searched google for "onsen shoes" to see if my headcanon made sense.
This was literally the first picture that came up: Turns out my head canon wasn't that crazy after all. I suggest you read the wikipedia page explaining what the whole point with Onsen is.

My conclusion is that H and L are definitely at a hot spring facility / onsen. One pair of shoes is smaller than the others and i mean why the f*ck would they were wooden shoes if it wasn't required?
It could be that their hotel just has a hot spring facility build in, which would make sense.
As to the caption and the lyrics i think it could be a warning or he could have just added those lyrics because 1: it's a winding wheel on the pic and 2: it makes people relate the picture to Louis. At least observant people.
  So..that's what i think about Harry's IG post. In a surprisingly long post. Sorry.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Thanks sugarscape.

this is cute. Old, but cute.

Dance for your daddy laddy

That wasn't me being a pervert. That was directly related to harrys latest tweet/ ig post:

READ THIS Article about PR, seeding, paps and astrosurfing

This article is important.
It explains in very simple terms how seeding PR, paparazzi and media in general works. It is a MUST READ.
I will no doubt update on this and compare the article to Harrys' and Louis' (and 1D's) situation when i have the time.
Here's some of the things the article says about seeding (*COUGHCOUGH*Kristen Stewart*COUGHCOUGH*):

Here's some of what it says about paparazzis and the media, which includes HARRY as an example, thank you very much author:

This article is GREAT.
Just.... the similarities between everything described in this article and everything 1Ds (and in particular Louis' and Harry's) fandom has been theorizing/ proving to be applicable to them is astonishing. Read it.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015


Ha. The entire crew and band apparently went out clubbing last night. Update accounts are kinda fighting on whether Harry was there or not.
I doubt anyone was out clubbing - let's wait and see if there are pictures. It just seems kind of off that zouis allegedly has been partying all week "in LA" and just continues to party now............I mean SOME of the partying has got to be a lie. If not the entire LA-thing, which is still shady af.

Ok mark

Mark Tomlinson just responded to a Larry shippers DM about the AIMH tweet:
Of course we can't know whether this is true or not. DM's can very easily be faked, so don't put too much into this.
The guy with the DMs does seem to want to prove it though

...but yeah. We won't know if it's true. Cute if it is, whatever if it isn't.

Larry at Osaka concert

In my opinion, that might be the most obvious larry interaction we have seen on stage for so so long. I fell like i'm disturbing something private. omfg.

Also, i have a newfound appreciation of asian update accounts on twitter, bc one of them just tweeted a vine and was like "...but did he just sing 'he can't go to bed'??". It's really quite impossible to tell what he says in my opinion, but it's nice that an update account are being honest about it being hard to tell.

Louis also asked for H's mic to be turned up during Harrys solo in Ready to run

And i don't know how to describe this. They're not ignoring each other for one. They're cute. Watch it.

Tweet and delete part 2

Another tweet from Phoebe which she deleted seconds after posting.
It was almost certainly a reference to this...

But i can't figure out whether her tweet was a direct interpretation of "uncle knobhead" or it was meant to be "uncle egghead", since the emoji is a bald head.
Anyways, it isn't really relevant, it's just ineresting because she immediately deleted it again.

Deleting tweets

.... Hmm. She didn't delete anything yet.
And she deleted this tweet again while i was sleeping.
But peculiar that she thinks/thought this is/was necessary. Maybe it's because everyone is going craycray looking through hers and daisy's tweets atm. She could have been told to delete them. Or she could just have had a random idea; she's 10.

There's been a few people suggesting that Daisy and Phoebe's accounts are being used as seeding, because they suddenly reappeared on twitter and started talking/ hinting stuff.
I'm not even convinced they would know anything about the whole situation, so I'm not quite sure about that. They might know the public narrative and nothing else- i doubt they'd know about Elounor being fake and Larry being real in any case.
They could be used as seeding either way though, taking everything else that's been going on seeding-wise into consideration. If they are, 1Ds PR and mngmnt really needs to change their priorities.
But it wouldn't be that surprising. I'm pretty sure they might both have done promo tweets yesterday, Daisy talking about both Nandos and CamWOW, Phoebe talking about some restaurant they went to visit as a family. Could be coincidence, could be promo. All i know is that they tweeted about the companies during the same 10 minutes.
We wont know, we can only theorize. But i feel happy that i got to take screenshots of the important tweets in case Phoebe actually decides to delete them... and in case they turn out to actually matter.

Monday, 23 February 2015

Zouis LA / Japan - Finally in Japan

Oh my god. So much drama around Zouis these days.
Louis has still technically been MIA since Niall, Liam and Harry flew to Japan and has still not been caught in any photos.

Earlier people were saying that they saw Zayn, Louis and Eleanor at LAX. I know none of the fans who said that, so i wont trust it without pictures. It would make a lot of sense though- Eleanor could be expected after the whole AIMH thing (and everything else - dinners etc).
Some people said that Zouis was spotted in Osaka too, but without Eleanor.
That was two different groups of fans, needless to say. And their stories doesn't really match up if you consider that Zouis' flight is 15 hours long and the two groups of fans tweeted within 3-4 hours of each other.
So. One of the stories might be true, or they might both be false.
Nothing is proved at this moment, really.

: Zouis have been filmed in Kansai Airport,Osaka. No Eleanor. And still no pics of Louis in LA. The elounor rumour was obviously not true  - neither the one with her being spotted in a club with Louis nor the one with her leaving with them.
Daisy said  that Eleanor was in London on the day she was supposedly spotted with Louis in LA, so she probably wasn't there at all. If she was, we'll no doubt get pictures as soon as somethign Larry happens.
Unless there's pap shots of both Zayn and Louis leaving LAX and arriving in Kansai Airport, I'm not sure about where Louis has been these days. He could have been in LA, not saying he wasn't - what i am saying is that we shouldn't believe he was there just because someone says so. Believe in nothing, unless pictures.

Nialls image

I don't want to make a long post really. I just want to point out something i've noticed and if you want proof/ details, go search google, because i really haven't got the patience right now.

Towards the end of last year, a few videos and photos of drunk Niall started to surface. In 2014 Niall was consistantly dressed in contrasting colours from the other boys when they appeared on the red carpet. He was almost always placed in the middle and asked questions much more frequently than during 2013.
Now, in 2015 Niall, who was previously known to be the happy-go-lucky kinda SINGLE guy, is known to have a fling with Melissa. There has been published multiple articles by multiple newspapers, several of them highlighting the fact that Melly might have had a bf on the time of the November-vine from a casino.
Today more articles about Niall was published, this time focusing on an IG comment (yes, seriously) that Niall left on Samantha Jade's (the act who opened for them in some shows in aus) saying it was great having her play on the tour or something like that. The headlines are something in line with "Niall romantizising Samantha Jade on IG" .

There has definitely been a push from MM and 1Ds PR to make Niall the person in focus, more so than he has been before.
During the same period of time, Harry, who has been called "the leader" of the band multiple times, and has been the "womanizer" in the media, has consistently tried to shed that image.

My theory is that Harry's coming out/ seeding/ hinting/ change of image has something to do with Niall's sudden change of image. Boybands are businesses and they have certain roles to fill, because they need to gain the most amount of popularity possible.
One of those roles have always been the womanizer/ young mingling guy/ leader -type person and since Harry has been filling that role till now, Niall has been playing the role of accesible fun guy, Zayn the mysterious one, Liam the underdog-success-story and Louis the sassy, but sort of irrelevant one. Since Harry wont fill the womanizer-role anymore, Niall has to do it. Not that he neccesarily agreed to, but the 1D PR team and M!M might have.

Niall is still in some ways the "accessible guy" because the woman he is linked to was previously a fan. In that way they sort of sneak him into the womanizer/ leader role he seems to be gaining.
Harry is also still somewhat portrayed as the leader and a womanizer in some media outlets, but in general, his bad reputation has begun to turn around. He is still supposed to be the inaccessible, kind of stuck-up cool-kid of LA, but he is slowly shedding his womanizer-role onto Niall, I think.

Weird Twitter Phoebe update

 I posted this on the 12th, describing my confusion about Phoebe on twitter.
(please credit if you use my screenshots  it took a looong time)

Phoebe and Daisies accounts are real.

The eden dora trust which Louis and his family has been supporting and tweeting about during last couple of days tweeted daisy's account yesterday, thanking her for coming:

Read this post and this post if you are still in doubt (it also includes some relevant info on zayns sisters tweeting).

These pics show that both accounts have been active since february 2012.

Yesterday they both showed open support for the AIMH-tweet and RT'ed it. Twice each. That wasn't the only Larry-support they showed:

 Weird in itself.
Today Phoebe tweeted this:

Now going back to the 12th, where Phoebe supposedly got "hacked" and her account got deleted, it gets even weirder: Phoebe said she got hacked and would delete all the tweets from the hacker as soon as she reactivated the user.She also changed her username.
It was then reactivated again a few days later, stating that the account had been hacked and that she was going to delete all the hackers tweets, which included everything that had anything to do with Harry and Larry.

The relevant tweets she deleted when she reactivated was
1: a picture of harry - the christmas one which made Anne react like this:

It was literally just a picture of harry at Annes place. Nothing special, but asides from directly tweeting the supposed Phoebe,  Anne also tweeted about people "sharing private photos" again and seemed upset.

2: A tweet about everyone respecting each others ships

3: A tweet, which i didn't got to take a screenshot of, that said :
" "Larry" Never "

So Phoebe was supposedly hacked.
Anne obviously was upset about the account claiming to have received photos from her. The deleted tweets were all related to Harry or Larry, but they didn't confirm anything. In fact, one of the deleted "hacker"-tweets denied Larry.
Since Phoebe and Daisy have been active after the hacking, they've both supported Larry and larries, yet no one is claiming they're hacked currently.

So in conclusion, the hacker, or whoever it was, was denying Larry.
The current phoebe and daisy on twitter are supportive of Larry and Larries.

I'm not even sure i understand what i just explained. I don't know whether the hack was real or not, but i can't see a  very good reason of why they would lie about it, since the only thing that happened during the alleged hack was the person on the account denying larry and maybe leaking a few pictures that wasn''t at all relevant or incriminating. Unless you consider the pure fact that Phoebe claimed she got the Harry-photo from Anne a Larry-proof, then i don't see why they would have a hidden agenda to pretend that there was  a hack; - Especially considering how openly supportive both Daisy and Phoebe have been sine they returned to twitter with NO ONE claiming they're hacked at this very moment.

However i don't see the point in hacking Phoebe's account only to leak a few meaningless photos either. The hacker denied Larry, but also tweeted about respect. It just doesn't seem like a typical elounor-shipper-hack, where Larry would just be rudely denied and the larries would be blamed.

In conclusion: this was either a weird hack by a hacker with no agenda, or it was a fake hack which was made up to cover up.....??? Annes relationship with phoebe? Phoebes relationship with Harry?
None of the two options makes sense to me.It just all seems very, very weird.

It is also worth to mention that Phoebe posted a Elounor picture from Jay's wedding after she reactivated. Anne tweeted again about people leaking photos. I don't know whether the original source of the photo was actually Phoebe or whether Anne was referring to phoebes account (which would be weird, because, ya know, the photos didn't include any of her family members this time), but it's weird in any case, since Phoebe currently seems to be supportive of both L&H and El.

The entire hack-thing could also just be Anne not knowing that Phoebe had a twitter and forgot she sent her a photo.... But that seems extremely weird and even less likely than any of the other possibilities. It just wouldn't make sense, because why Phoebe claim she was hacked if the only thing that went wrong was Anne not knowing that Phoebe had a twitter account?

Why is litterally everything having to do with his band so damn shady?

AIMH article on Yahoo Celeb UK

Of course Yahoo are the first (and might also turn out to be the only (except... sugarscape, ya'll arent gonna let us down, right?)) to publish an article about the 1M RTs.

Now Yahoo might only be on the larry ship because they gain hits, but it's still worth noticing that they've consistantly been writing Larry-articles, sexuality-rumor-articles and articles about L and H in general since Nov.'14, where a bunch of news sources suddenly started focusing on the subjects at once.
They even highlight the weird timing of the AIMH tweet paired with the first Elounor appearance... Ha. They really are learning from the fandom.

It seems they might have come to the same conclusion as us, that something is happening (and they should be more qualified to vouch for this than we are). The last sentences of the article kind of suggests that they believe something is bound to happen in the near future too:
"Now that over one million individuals have retweeted Louis' declaration, we can safely say that we probably aren't ready for the rollercoaster of emotion that is set to hit us over the next few months... But one thing we do know for sure is that we can't bloomin' wait. "

I don't exactly understand why their would be rollercoasters of emotion associated with the tweet already having reached 1M. At least not like, consistantly "over the next few months", so maybe the author (Stephanie, of course) is referring to other things she might think is going to happen?

And i mean THINK, because she probably don't know anything more than we can subtract.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Harry IG post

Harry posted that on IG. (well, not the translation, but)
The translation of the text in the movie translates roughly too "what's important for me now is" according to japanese people, who knows a little more about it than google translate.

The screenshot is apparently from "Untouchables".
So altogether, the tweet/IG post says:
"The ultimate combination - What's important for me now is - untouchables".
It could be completely irrelevant to put it in order like that, but it could also mean that H&L are untouchable, it's important to harry and H&L are a good combination. You know, with the peculiar timing and everything.
...Or it might mean absolutely nothing. I don't know.

LA Zouis update

Remember how the update accounts suddenly posted about Louis clubbing in LA last night with Eleanor?
Well, daisy said she was in London yesterday. No one is quite sure whether "daisy" on twitter is actually daisy, but Lou, Eleanor, Lottie and more are following her, so unless she's hacked, it's her. (the fake/real/hacked twitter-phoebe i talked about last week has reactivated her profile and now has follows from Lottie, Lou, fiz and more. Phoebe confirmed that the Daisy-profile was real)

Louis is still not in any pictures in LA. But here is a picture of zayn and "a friend" in LA, as update accounts are saying:
Mike Navarra might be a friend, but he's also 1D's publicist working for SONY/colombia records:
In case you find that confusing, here's what a publicist does:
(note the twitter thing: YES, it is normal for artists to have their social media controlled by people working for their record label.)

So... Mike Navarra did obviously not just decide to go to LA for fun to party with Zouis. I doubt that Zouis themselves went to there to party, but in that case - why would they need their publicist?

We'll probably find out son enough.

Everyone lost their chill

This is the anti-larries currently:

This is Harry's and Louis' family currently:
 ...which, OMFG GEMMA? the timing tho

This is the update accounts currently panicking:

aaaand this is the rest of the world and the Larries at this very moment:


on their fucking "mutual we've discussed it" anniversary

im going to jump off a cliff now, bye