
Saturday, 21 March 2015

March Madness timeline 1st-15th

Both in Tokyo, OTRA show.
Before the show Harry was in Tokyo, "strolling around"(a few fan pictures).
Louis in Tokyo, MIA (but rumored to be out clubbing after the show at the same place as Jan. 28th. No pics.). Still rumored to be staying at the same hotel.

Neither L nor H tweeted.
(drama with phoebe and daisy's twitter accounts and jay saying they were fake)

Yahoo Celeb UK posted this article about Harry's video message for a fan with cancer.
A french paper wrote about Eleanor being in LA and Louis maybe joining her there. (i know most people don't read french, i'm just including the article because the narrative it portrays is important.)
The larries are wondering what L and H are up for for the break. Eleanor is in LA, very publicly and larries are speculating (since she is nowhere to be found normally when Louis isn't around).  

Both in Tokyo, Last OTRA show there, then a break until the 11th where they have a show in Singapore.
Harry was in Tokyo, Harajaku shopping during the day, where he got mobbed.
Louis in Tokio, posing with people and Zayn at some point during the day.

Both still rumored to be staying at the same hotel with the rest of the boys. Louis rumored to be at club V2 wih Zayn ( no pics).
Harry tweeted that he loves Japan and that the shows at Saitama Stadium had been great. He thanked the fans (all of this in japanese).
Louis tweeted that he was "
Really excited to be playing in @Coppinger26 legend game on the 19th April. ".
In the evening Johannah tweeted that louis would be arriving home on the 3rd.

Sugarscape wrote an article about Harry's evergoing renovation of his London "home". Apparently the "insider" says he will have paintings of Cara and Kate Moss there..
Earlier in the day: Larries are a apprehensive about the break, expecting Elounor to appear. Eleanor is in LA, so people are expecting Louis to maybe be flying there.
Stalker-crew in LA are expecting some of the boys to travel there too ( most likely Harry).

he other expected option is one of them going MIA and the other travelling to LA for some PR, or all of the boys arriving in the same place (uk)
Larries (and the rest of the fandom) were confused, to say the least. Especially considering Jay's tweet.
Harry MIA during first hours of the day, then in London (fan pic and HQ's of H (and his majestic hair) leaving the airport).
Louis MIA during he first hours of the day, then arrived at Heathrow airport (where he was angry with some annoying paps).
No one knows who flew together (update accounts fighting).
Lottie was mad that Jay didn't miss/ mention her in her tweet. Asides from Lottie, Josh, Sandy and Lou all tweeted about being back in the UK.

Update accounts started the day saying saying 4/5 was spotted leaving the airport in Tokyo (but Harry was missing). Then changed it to Harry was in London, Louis was going there too. Then changed it to 5/5 in UK.
Then the fandom started hoping for Lairport 2.0. "Harry is in london" trended worldwide after update accounts starting saying it.
Larries were Happy that Louis and Harry seemed to be in the same town.
Random, but relevant media: Cara Delevingne, whom was "dating" (working as a beard for) Harry previously, is apparently now dating the second woman after they "broke up"...There's more than one article about this.
This article is about Louis being influential in Doncaster.
Sugarscape  posted an article about Mr.X making a single about Larry, which... wtf?
They also wrote about some weird japanese photoshoot the boys did. They look so confused.

Louis MIA (but in London probably (or preston, if this headcanon has got any truth to it). Harry in Preston.

Louis retweeted about auditions for BeInTheBand in London in the boys' break-week...Then he changed his icon an officially stopped being an egg.
Eleanor like this photo on instagram...

This article was posted on Sugarscape and features McBusted talking about touring (and showering) with 1D in Australia.


Louis MIA.
Harry in Manchester/ cheshire. For some rude reason, Harry was papped leaving some place in cheshire with his mum.

Anne posted this photo on IG. Harry liked this one and tweeted Zane Lowe good luck.
John Urbano (instructer of the one thing video) put this picture of him and Louis on IG.

This article speculating about Harry's sexuality and him "dating" Nadine was published by Youth Health mag.
This aricle talking about "larry stylinson" and mentioning Eleanor as "louis' former girlfriend" is kind of lame because they've pretty much got half of their facts wrong, but it's interesting anyways.

Harry MIA. (these pics are allegedly from San Marco, which is apparently an italian restaurant in London... he was rumored to be in preston/ cheshire earlier in the day and then london at night)
Louis MIA, most likely Doncaster.
Harry liked some pics on IG. (Henry Hudson is the explorer which amongst other things, the hudson river is named after). Jay tweeted this.

Harry in London.
Louis in London at the Be In the Bad Auditions.

 Johannah retweeted a tweet abour BeInTheBand Auditions in London during the boys' break-week. It was the same tweet that Louis retweeted on the 4th. Louis tweeted "gonna be a good day :)".

Harry in London at the HeForShe event. Some weird stuff was floating around on twitter and tumblr about that and Louis and i don't even know (burrito pick-up gate 2K15). Apparently fans were waiting at the Facebook London Office for Harry to come out of the HeForShe Event, but only saw his driver drive past them without Harry and then ten minutes later saw Louis in the same street drive by in a car into a carpark= reasonable explanation would be that Louis picked Harry up. UAs even tweeted straight out "louis reportedly picked harry up from the heforshe event".
Louis was for sure in London earlier in the day at the Be In The Band auditions. (pics with fans and kinda-creepy person 1 and 2(as in london stalker crew). Somebody also filmed him giving this message to a fan.
Louis was out clubbing at night while Harry dissappeared. It was apparently at chinawhite, a kind of typical celeb club.

Louis tweeted this. (wtf is up with all these football players named harry anyway)
Then he later tweeted this.

Eleanor uploaded a photo of herself and her friend on IG, turning "locations" on AGAIN, showing that she was in West Hollywood.
A photo of Harry, Anne and Robin at Jay's wedding leaked. (i have no idea who/ where the source is, sorry).
Hary liked these photos on IG. Then he liked these ones.

Daisy (@tommodaisy, as in, the shady af profile that is only shady af because jay said it was fake and it isn't) tweeted this. The tweet she is referring to is this.
The only media coverage of Louis and Harry i could find from this day was articles speaking about Louis being a judge on Be In The Band, Lilo being placed on that list of influential people in the music industry and Harry being with his mom. Oh, and Louis playing a football match in April

This article talks about "allegedly bi" Harry and Nadine dating.

Harry in London (With BOOTS). Maybe Louis was in London earlier in the day, and apparently he then went clubbing at night at "Prizm" in Leeds and looked very happy. (it was obvs. promo though, as the club tweeted he would be there)
Harry was MIA at night too.
(apparently some of the band and some of the crew already arrived to singapore, possible during this day).

Eleanor posted another photo from LA (her friend meghan tagged her on another photo with locations turned on, showing LA) on IG. Then she posted another one, stating "i don't ever want to leave".

Johannah tweeted this, which kinda = she hasn't been with Louis during the weekend.
Louis retweeted this.Harry tweeted happy birthday to a fan.
The maybe-Phoebe tweeted this, then immediately after she tweeted this, then this, and then said this.
Dan Wootton tweeted this, teasing a celeb break-up exclusive, fueling tons of elounor break-up rumours.
An update account did this.
More articles about 1:Louis clubbing and 2: Louis the businessman, such as this one from Huffington Post. (the reason i'm not linking articles is because there are SO many from the 8th and 9th).

Louis flew from leeds to London in the morning, then went MIA. Harry was completely MIA.
More band and crew arrived to Singapore where fans were waiting. (Gemma was there, yayy)

Harry tweeted this.
Eleanor posted this photo on IG of herself getting a tattoo. She turned locations on AGAIN and is still in LA. Then she posted this, suggesting she was indeed going HOME.
"Louis in Leeds" trended ww on twitter.
Perez tweeted this (i didn't know whether to make this green or red... ya follow?)
Daisy tweeted a picture of Louis' butt which she then deleted... What in the actual fuck.
Phoebe tweeted this, then this, and then this.
An update account did this.
Yahoo wrote about the elounor break-up rumours ("is their relationship, in fact, over?" and "his rumored girlfriend" are just some of the gems in this article...they have been scrolling through tumblr and twitter.). Unreality tv wrote the same story. So did Hollywood Take (they even mention Harry in the same freaking headline (they also call Eleanor "eleanor caldwell" lmao)). This article (however irrelevant) is also talking about Elounor break-up rumours.
 This article was written about louis and football. This one about him being a judge on Be In The Band.

This article is describing how Nadine had allegedly dumped Harry. This also talks about "hadine" ending. So does this one. And  this one. Every paper literally wrote about "hadine" being over, i'm not going to link every article about this, it would take ages.

Harry showed up in Singapore at the Airport.
Then Louis showed up with Niall and Liam about two hours later (still in his Leeds-club clothes, haha). (this was on the 10th, but on the 11th in singapore). He then went shopping before the show.
They went on stage almost an hour late (which might have got somethign to do with Zayn arriving 2 hours before they were supposed to go on...)
Though cameras wasn't allowed in the arena, people still managed to film and take photos (obvs, what did they expect): Harry kicked a bra off stage during the show..Somebody also threw a sparkly, glowy dildo at him. I don't know what to say about that. I don't know what he's doing here, but it's cute. Louis is talking in this one and Harry is doing something weird with his arms in response. Louis is missing here, and Harry has no one to sing you&I to... But Zayn in being funny. Here harry is doing a 90 degree turn to look at Louis while singing "and all his little things". Subtle. According to concert reports Louis was noticably  happier than he normally is. HE WORE FUCKING GLASSES, sorry for cursing.
 Immediately after the show, they were rumored to be flying to thailand already and fans were waiting at the airport. This is the  Plane that was first seen arriving to Bangkok. But it only onloaded crew, band, Harry Liam (in the red shirt) and Niall. 
Maybe louis travelled with them: Next report from fans and UAs was this.As soon as they arrived
"Some of the boys" maybe went clubbing (this is when they just arrive by plane from Singapore, so it's sorta like the 11th/12th. )  UAs said it was Zouis. Gemma challenged Lottie in a challenge for Ovarian Cancer awareness.
Eleanors friend max informed us, that she was indeed home in the UK.
Harry retweeted this.
Then he liked this photo on IG.
Another article about the supposed Elounor break.up was posted, mentioning both HArry's "hadine"-breakup and Larry shippers.

next otra show: Rajamangala stadium, Bangkok, Thailand on saturday the 14th.


Harrry MIA, but spotted at a a hotel in bangkok. Louis was also at the hotel in the day. Then Louis was clubbing in bangkok with zayn (they left early in the morning on the 13th). Just adding more words here because there's a lot of pics and links. I am fonding very hard. A DJ at one of the clubs in Bangkok kind of suggested that Harry was there too.. But it's confusing, Zouis might not've been there. but at a club nearby.
Harry tweeted this.
Eleanor was walking her dogs with Max.
Lottie and Gemma (and the band) posed with fans in Bangkok.
Harry followed someone on IG while Zouis was out clubbing. He also liked this photo.
Tumblr-Gemma reblogged this. Lottie and Gemma also had this little
twitter exchange.
More elounor and hadine break-up articles and some about louis possible being an x factor judge. I am too tired to link articles, sorry. The point is, they were there.


(the links in this are a bit of a mess because there's so many. sorry. (also, they had a looong day = many things to write about (also, some of this is technically on the 14th because they were clubbing for hours))
Harry went shopping in Bangkok, then went back to the hotel. Louis was in the hotel pool with Zayn. Which was brilliant. more words bc links. Harry also posed with some Dj guy.
Gemma and Lottie hung out by the hotel pool (with lou and lux).
At night gemma, sophia, lou, some of lous friends, Lottie and all the boys except Niall (who appaz went separetely) went clubbing (ASDFGH, i can't not react to this). It's unclear whether they were at the same place or not, since UA's are kinda arguing/teasing and it's hard to tell from the pictures. Liam, Sophia and Gemma are pictured both with Louis and with Harry, but it's not neccesarily in the same club (..but..if gemma was there, harry probabaly was too.They're creating speculation at least.). this awkward thing happened at one of the clubs  HAHA. The club"Smalls" which Harry (and maybe zouis) was in the day before, posted something on faceboko that suggested that Harry was there again. (some UAs said that zouis threw a pool party no proof though. However.) Other UA's were also sorta sceptical, it seems. (random note: i don't believe this happened. I DO believe that it was a narrative purposefully pushed by UAs in relation to the seeding/CO/elounor break-up narrative...Which. Fine by me. Unless they're making L look like a dick.).
An update account did this.Another UA did this. A third one did this.
The advertisement for the new 1D fragrance came out an the picture is (photoshopped, but) CUTE.
There were more elounor and hadine break-up articles. This is a shit article, but the headline is great.

In the day there was appaz a Toyota press conference, which all the boys attended, but no one knew at the time.

OTRA show in Bangkok. Louis looked happy, which was nice. There was a lot of pics of Louis, couldn't find as many of harry, but there were of course some. Amongst others, this one, haha. There's a lot of links and there was a working audio livestream.
This picture showed up on the big screen before the concert. (it's from the Toyota commercial and shot the same day as the OT5 selfie from Niall, judging from their clothing (random: this could also mean that the rumor that they filmed a music video that day is false, because it was based on Niall's "shoots and stuff" tweet, which now appears to refer to the Toyota commercial.). Zouis might've gone clubbing again.
Gemma and Lottie hung out with Lou and Lux at the pool earlier in the day.

Johannah liked Annes picture on IG.
Eleanors friend tagged her in a post about something happening in a month.Meghan retweeted the tweet. The timing is peculiar because that's in the middle of 1Ds next break and Louis football match is in that break.
Harry tweeted a thank you to the fans for the concert in Bangkok.

I don't know when this article came out, but people suddenly noticed it. It is GREAT.
Rolling Stone included FOUR on their "best pop albums of 2014"-list.

Basically, Harry was MIA for the entire day and night.This picture was taken of him, allegedly in Phuket, but not much detail. (EDIT: this is the source, same club as he (and probably zouis) was in on the 12th - the picture is probably from either the 12th or 13th). (the anti-UAs are syaing that 4/5 are in Phuket, harry is lost..)
Zouis apparently went to phuket, then went to a club and walked around. Liam was apparently there too with Sophia. Maybe some of the others were there too. Maybe, not sure. Niall faved an update accounts version of events (he did this on the 16th, but the tweets were about the 15th), which suggests than Niall and Liam flew together followed by Zouis and then Harry.

Harry tweeted happy birthday to a fan. He also tweeted another fan good luck. However.
He also did stuff on IG.
Safaa had this reaction to Zouis' clubbing.
Eleanor posted a picture with her mum on IG and her geo-tag was turned on again, showing her being near Louis house.
Johannah tweeted somebody who studies rainbows and promised to look for Louis baby pics!!
(random: this tweet might've passed AIMH. Which is fine by me, great message.)

This article came out and it is... interesting. Not because they necesarrily actually said any of the things in print, but.
The story was picked up by other media too.
This lovely article was published on Yahoo. Written by Stephanie of course, it mentions Louis' accomplishments in a lot of aspects that aren't recognized and the article even mentions that Louis deserves more appreciation from their team. It also mentions his questionable (no) involvement with his own twitter account. Thanks.

Monday, 9 March 2015

El and IG

Weird stuff is goidn on with Eleanors IG.
But the very public L.A. trip is coming to an end, judging on her latest IG post stating "i don't ever want to leave" and her friend Meghans comment "i refuse!".
It'll be interesting to see whether she flies straight back to London or joins Louis in Singapore. I am really really hoping what we're seeing could be a break-up narrative, so i really hope she wont. But she might. I consider myself prepared, but i'd much rther just have a Lairport 2.0 and eleanor arriving in London just as Louis leaves.

There is currently 40 hours before the concert in Singapore. It takes 14 hours to fly there. That means that i will potentially be waiting for 26 hours for a Lairport 2.0 that most likely wont happen. Great.

Larry The Chimp

I've been thinking for a while..
It really doesn't need much explanation:

Larry the chimp. Basically.

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Be In The Band

Louis and Johannah both retweeted the same tweet about Be In The band auditions this week in London.
Somebody on tumblr pointed out that the next be in the band audition is when the boys have their next break in about a month.
I think either they're all involved, or it's just Louis.
Of course it could be just regular promo like they do for any other sony/colombia records/modest!-affiliated acts, but then it's a little unsual to get Johannah involved.
Anyways, it's just a headcanon, could be true, cold be just speculation.

Update: lol, okay, headcanon confirmed. Louis was at the be in the band auditions in London.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Gigantic rant of doom (How L&H will come out. Probably. Maybe. Most likely)

  1. No, larries didn't invent PR and Marketing, it actually exists
  2. 1D is a product, selling products makes money and money makes people do horrible things.
  3. Narrative changes, rebranding and seeding
Okay okay okay, this is going to be a long post. Sorry.
And i'm not going to include external links and sources and shit, because that will be like creating timelines all over again and i simply can't do it. Sorry again.

No, Larries didn't invent marketing and PR, it actually exists.You would (maybe, depending on how long you've been in this fandom, perhaps)be surprised how weird and constructed and creepy PR gets. (Think hidden wifes and secret babies and fake marriages)
I have seen a lot of people, both larries and non-larries talking about whether we are imagining all the shadiness going on with 1D and L&H in particular. Sometimes we might be, and sometimes we almost certainly are, but as a start, i'd just like to say
Also, while I think a part of this fandom is predominantly clever, I wouldn't credit the ideas of seeding, rebranding, astrosurfing and so forth to the larry fandom.

Here's a short explanation of some useful terms (which all existed before larries):

(Yes, i actually see people genuinely asking what PR means all the time)
PR means public relations. A PR team is meant to take care of promo(-tion, if anyone is in doubt) and establish the narrative through media that they believe creates the most attention and profit aorund the brand.
A PR team may include publicists, narrative-teams and other specific groups within the team.

Seeding wasn't invented by larries (unfortunately).
It was originally invented to plant ideas or influences in markets of consumers. It is a marketing stragedy invented to be used for politicians and to sell  (literal (not human!)) products.
The idea is to influence the consumers from within the market by gradually introducing a narrative or an idea through media.
The advertisement industry pretty quickly found out that certain people and certain types of people have more credibility, likeability and therefore ability to influence a broad spectrum of people in different markets.

Astrosurfing is in a way an further development of the seeding-idea. The idea is to immitate the consumer and infiltrate the consumers platform.
Astrosurfing could involve for example having somebody working for a brand leaving positive reviews on products on the brands site (or elsewhere), pretending to be a consumer.
Think of it like the internet-version of the kind of TV advertisements that goes something like: ”I used this product and liked it - i'm a completely normal consumer with no external motives, so you can trust me. BUY THIS!”
Astrosurfing is that, just less detectable and more effective.
It's kind of like product placement, just without having to use actual external sources outside the company/coorporation/whatevs to do it. Just exchange movies/ people with profiles on social media and it's astrosurfing, really.
Of course it gets a bit more complicated when it's not a jeans company trying to rebrand, but a politician or a say, the biggest boyband in the world that needs a new narrative introduced.

1D is a product, selling products makes money and money makes people do horrible things

I have heard a lot of people excusing their view points with "they wouldn't lie".
The answer is yes they would.
Yes. They. Would.

Apart from House's point, 1D isn't just consisting of Louis, Harry, Liam, Niall and Zayn, but probably includes several hundred people working on their brand together.
I can assure you that H&L aren't the ones making the most money in this deal, and therefore they wouldn't be the ones loosing the most if they came out and it changed their popularity.
You know who would loose considerable amounts of money?
Modest! would.
SONY would.
Surely you must be able to grasp that one of the biggest coorporations in the world would lie, if they thought telling the truth would cause their most popular product to loose market value.

Narrative changes, rebranding and seeding
Now to the part where i explain why all these things do in fact also involve 1D, including Harry and Louis.
While I've been doing my timelines, I've kind of concluded something I already suspected before. We're in he middle of a narrative change, and we've come quite a long way from the starting point. Both in terms of H&L and in terms of general image/ branding.
1D is being rebranded from being a boyband reserved for screaming pre-teen girls to being a serious music group with a potential long future in the industry. - they're creating a much broader market than before while the boys are growing up.
I have been wondering a lot about a possible H&L seeding process being linked with the rebranding of the band (which -I think it's obvious to everyone -has been going on for a while).
There's a lot to say in terms of the general rebranding of the band, but i'm just going to try to stick to H&L, because this is already becoming an endless rant.

Harry's image
We used to have articles in which Harry being liked to every girl he was ever seen with. Harry was the ”womanizer” and the big money maker, which i'm sure no one is in doubt about. He was used for promoing models, which in turn helped him (modest!) create the famous womanizer Harry Styles.
I don't need to remind people of how Harry acted out in November 2014, leading to numerous articles about ”don't knock it 'till you try it”, ”not that important” , ”wouldn't date a dickhead” and any of the other very suggestive things he said.
At around (and when i say around” i mean almost exactly) the same time, sugarscape and Yahoo Celeb UK started posted a lot more Larry-articles than usual. Like, a LOT.
The Mike Adam (the shocked host in the lovebite-interview) started conversing with larries on twitter, openly talking about and shipping larry. Lauren Toyota was of course another journalist suddenly focusing on Lary again, and while she (and all of her very unlikely stories) might be very hard to find credible, she was a part of a tendency starting point blank on Nov.1st.
During the last months of 2014, Nadine was also introduced, which continued in some ways into 2015. While it might seem like the typical model-beard/ winter girlfriend storyline was being repeated, it turned out that the ”inside sources” this time was saying how devoted of a boyfriend Harry was, instead of how many of the girls friend's he'd been with. (hint: ”inside sources” = people who work for their PR/management. THIS is how to seed)

Asides from the general media implementing different narratives when it comes to Harry, it is hard to tell whether there has been a difference in terms of the narratives being pushed by astrosurfing. Mainly because astrosurfing isn't meant to be discoverable.
However, judging from comments on news sites and social media, the general public (not the fandom) seems to either 1: not care about harry's dating or 2: think he's gay, and that the articles suggesting romance between him and Nadine are based on so little that they're comically untrustworthy.
Whether the ”general public” in the comments are astrosurfers or not, there are little to no comments from people forwarding the womanizer-image.
When a paper occasionally posts some article about Harry and some girls, the comments are literally ALL people telling the sun to reinvent themselves, because it's getting old.
It's the same thing on sugarscape's and yahoo's larry-friendly posts; where there were angry and demeaning comments before (read: how to astrosurf and make yourself the authority and the reader look naive/ deluded while spreading doubts), there is now a vast majority of people saying ” i don't care” and people thanking them for writing about it.

Louis Image
..started out as a literal mess.
Louis is the witty, funny guy at heart really, so it wasn't so hard to portray those sides of him to the public as being his only sides from the very moment 1D was formed.
When 1D was marketed in the US and Eleanor was introduced, Louis's fans had already hooked on to the idea of Larry possible being very real. Louis' described himself as ”flamboyant” when asked to choose one word and his behaviour was classified as pretty damn camp (whatever you think of that expression) by a lot of people.
Literally no articles whatsoever was written about Louis then, except for when is was about his and Eleanors' latest strolls around town with starbucks or when he was mentioned in the articles that started appearing at almost (again, when i say almost, i basically mean exactly) the same time about how deluded and crazy larry shippers were.

Louis' public image then underwent somewhat of a minor change, reinstating and pretty much sealing the straight-narrative. His witty sass was being portrayed as kind of a rude side (read: bullshit tweet 1+2) instead of the previous funny-guy perspective.
His 'i-am-a-one-girl-kinda-guy-with-eleanor and also a homophobic football-fanatic' image was, at best, a very unsuccesful way of simply keeping the real Louis away from the public and did never – the way i see it – have any market appeal in itself. It was simply that without the established kinda whatever-image, he would be the 'maybe-gay-kinda-camp and also funny guy' – the first part potentially being very very bad for their US sales.
(note: i'm not saying that Louis isn't sassy and doesn't like football. I'm saying they choose which personality traits to focus on)
His image or outwards persona was never really about making money, as far as I can tell. It seems to me that it was more about not loosing money.
I don't know whether the fear that a not-straight member would cause them to loose money or not has any truth in reality. They probably could have turned it to their benefit, but it would have been risky, so they chose not to.
Fast forward to now, and the media portrayal were getting of Louis is all about how his songs are doing great in the market, how he recently registered a company and how he is supporitng charities. We have been getting less and less Elounor exposure since mid 2014, and she has only shown up ONCE in 2015. Currently she's very publicly in LA (or at least, she was two days ago) while Louis is very publicly in the UK at the same time as Harry.
Louis' image change is in no way as drastic as Harrys', but that's because it isn't needed, as Harry is the person most people knows about. At the same time, Harry is the one with the womanizer-image, whereas Louis is already sort of 'camp' and flamboyant, therefore would be easier to seed into a coming out.

The theory I have, the general smart part of the fandom has and basically every reasonable person would have if they read a bit about PR, seeding and rebranding is that a coming out process for H&L would look like this:

1: Eleanor being out-phased.
2: Harry's image being changed (no more womanizer Harry)
3: Social media hints, like H&L or families tweeting each other and hinting that they're spending time together.
4: Pictures of H&L in social circumstances like going out with friends or going to the same parties or to dinner together.
5: There'll be articles about this, media will print the photos and there might be speculation. (papers who've previously deterred and ridiculed the L&H-narrative will be speculating too)
There will be speculation for a while, perhaps.
6: They'll come out. Probably in a scheduled exclusive and probably in print. It could be in video interview, but that would be breaking the norm.

That theory has been around for quite a while. Long before H&L really, if you remove the names and exchange them with other people.
Now you be the judge of where we are in that process exactly.I'll give you my thoughts:
Let's recap:

Eleanor out-phased?
She has appeared publicly with Louis twice in 2015. The first time, she didn't really appear (LA).
She is at the moment in LA, away from Louis, which she made everyone aware of. Like when she made everyone aware of her having left for London when she was in LA. There has been Elounor break-up rumours within the fandom.
I think we can pretty much check this one.

Harry's image being changed?
I don't wanna explain this again. CHECK.

Social media hints?
Jay tweeting about Louis going to london, restaurant @'ing Des, Louis and Harry in the same tweet, jay retweeting a larrie and so on. (Gemma very openly supporting lgbt right might be part of this too. Og yeah, and Harry.)
Seems like it has happened to me.

Pictures together?
Lairport. Lairport. Lairport. Numerous articles about lairport.
Clubbing with Zayn, Lottie and others in Japan.
I think there might (almost certainly) will be more of these, but i think WE ARE (in the middle of) HERE.

And basically, that was the gigantic rant of doom (which nobody is probably ever going to read. Anywho, I will remember what i thought today when i wake up tomorrow, and that's at least great.))

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

im bored basically

And somebody on tumblr mentioned that it was peculiar that Doncaster rovers had a game last night in Preston and Harry was spotted car shopping there this morning...
+louis was first pictured in the airport wearing a black sweatshirt, then changed it to a rovers one... Maybe heading to the rovers game?

This headcanon is making me happy, true or not.

Another thing making me really happy is the photo's from the Japanese magazines that suddenly turned up everywhere today:
 (also, where is your hand, Haz?)

...Thank you, Japan.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Happy tired cuddly cute Louis


Heathrow L+H 03.03

 Both H and L ended up showing at Heathrow:

And jesus christ, They look like fucking angels (today more than usually.)

No one technically knows who flew together.
Harry left the airport, then liam left and then Louis and Zayn left together, followed by Niall.
But Louis and Zayn didn't necessarily fly alone together, as there are also pictures of Zayn and Liam together before they went to were paps and the fans were. And Louis and Liam. Also, the man with the hat in the pics of Harry are in these pics of Louis.
All of the boys ended  up arriving at Heathrow and I'm thinking they probably all flew together, so technically this is somewhat of a Lairport 2.0, just not as exiting...
But I feel like we might slowly be introduced to the idea of H and L socially interaction and taking flights together, going out dining and clubbing together with friend et cetera...

Things could get exiting.
In seperate news, Mr.X has returned, with an actual single made of actual music about H&L that will come out on March 10th.

Possible line of events during break

I thought i'd give my bet on what's possibly going to happen during the break, just because i'm bored.

Things we have been told about H and L's destination:
-4/5 had left tokyo according to update accounts early this morning. Harry was reported MIA. (no reports of when they left)
- Jay tweeted that Louis was going home and would arrive today. So did update accounts.
-Update accounts are now saying Harry is in London and that "some of the boys" have arrived at"their destination"

Theory 1:
Louis and Harry flew together to London and we get a Lairport 2.0 (probably with less press exposure). This would fall into the narrative of them being in the middle of a seeding process, having noticable events happen at the start of each month to ease in the narrative.
There is a chance that if this is true, Louis will be exposed to some minor bearding, but not neccesarily, since the Eleanor-is-in-LA narrative is being pushed by newspapers and update accounts.

Theory 2:
Louis didn't go to London and neither did Harry. Jay covered for Louis with her tweets and both Harry and Louis went to LA.
If this is true, Louis would be MIA and then suddenly show up in LA, his presence there being excused by Eleanor.
The only weird thing in this theory, is that there would be no reason of saying Harry went to London then, except if was for him going MIA and staying that way when L went to LA, thus making it look like they weren't together.

Theory 3:

Harry went to LA and Louis went home. This narrative has a problem, because there would be no sense in update accounts saying Harry is going to London at the same time as Louis. I am including this theory because some people seems to think this is what's going to happen.

Theory 4:
Louis and Harry travelled seperately to London and Eleanor is going to come home from LA to spend time with Louis. This would make sense if you believe 1D are not in the process of changing management and they are still trying to beard both Louis and Harry as much as possible. Harry's presence in London is PR-related if this theory is true.

...There's more theories probably. Personally i believe in the first one is the most reliable. I don't think we'll get a lairport 2.0 with as much openness and press, but maybe, just maybe this is another step in the seeding-proces and they wont try to hide them flying together.

February 2015 Timeline

 Media/ Press related stuff will be in green, Location/Interaction related stuff will be in blue and social media stuff will be in red. Random stuff  (like things going on in the fandom) will just be in black.

I'll only link to stuff related to Larry or management and just things that are relevant in general. or funny. But not everything will have a source and links because it will take ages, and this isn't meant to be a "proof that this stuff happened" list, it's just meant to summarize, and if you don't believe the few things that doesn't have sources or links, then google it (happy emoji).

note: when i say "MIA" i mean missing as in there-are-no-proof-of-where-they-are, not as in they-aren't-active-on-social-media-and-we-dont-know-where-they-are. When i use () and write a location, it's where they most likely, almost definitely were.

extra note: timezones in Japan and Australia are fucked compared to british and american ones, so the period of time they spent there is a bit confusing ... that's why some tweets and stuff might seem weird in context. I hope it makes sense anyways, because it's a lot of work even without trying to fit different timezones.


Harry MIA ( in LA). Louis spotted grocery shopping with Liam in LA (there were pictures,i don't bother to find them).
Harry tweeted "Thank you for all the lovely messages for my birthday. All the love. H".

The Mirror wrote about Harry's party. A lot of media outlets did. Mostly about how Nadine was there and how there was a lot of celebs.

Louis MIA (in LA).( Liam left LA without Louis).
Harry MIA (in LA).
None of them where spotted, but we later connected that they were both in the studio writing with Liam before he left.
Harry also took pictures with fans.
Yahoo wrote about Harry's birthday party.
So did Daily Mail. And MTV, and a lot of other media outlets. It's unnecessary to include them all.

Harry driving around in LA in the day...
Louis in LA, rumored to be out clubbing. These have been claimed to be from the 3rd.
Louis tweeted Niall because he finally listened to some music Louis had been telling him to listen to (music that Harry have tweeted about multiple times, which he has also included in his spotify playlist).

Josh (their drummer) posted a photo on IG of him rehearsing, which included Rainbow Bondage Bear, whom had been missing for a while.

Louis and Harry both in LA, both spotted and pictured at LAX. (At this point we didn't know but) They were together, on the same flight to Sydney (which had a longevity of 14 hours)).
Harry had yoghurt with Jeff and Nadine earlier in the day in LA. (harry also took pics with fans)

No social media activity from either.
CapitalFM wrote about Harry and Nadine getting complementary tattoos.
The fandom freaked out because everybody was speculating about Harry and Louis'arrival at LAX. Some Update accounts tried to make i look like they were taking two seperate flights (20 minutes apart). It turned out the second flight didn't exist. A lot of larries didn't expect to get confirmation on H&L travelling together.
Update accounts started talking about Louis having been out clubbing with friends during his MIA time in LA. Larries obviously hoped that was connected to Harry recently turning 21.
"Louis and Harry" started trending worldwide.

H and L together, arriving at Sydney Airport. Incredible amounts of HQ pictures of them walking out seperately from the exit at Sydney Airport (looking HAPPY), but leaving in the same car. The first picture of Louis and Harry being together outside PR, interview- an concert related stuff appeared in 2½ years.
After leaving in the same car, fans, as well as update accounts reported that Louis and Harry stayed at the same hotel, Zayn and Liam stayed at another, and Niall stayed by himself. They allegedly had dinner together at a restaurant nearby.

Harry tweeted "On The Road Again is about to start, very excited to be back in Australia. Can't wait to see everyone out there. All the love".
Eleanor liked a quote on instagram saying "When you accidentally like your ex boyfriends pictures from 8 months back".
Hollywood life wrote about the Tattoo rumor-. So did And The Mirror. And Cambio.
Sugarscape kind of made fun of the rumors. Yahoo Celebrity Uk definitely made fun of the whole thing. They also wrote an article about Louis and Harry travelling together and seemed EXITED, haha. Daily Mail somehow made it sound like Zayn flew with Harry and Louis, and wrote an article about Harry blowing kisses for/ "SMOOCHING" his female fans. Earlier in the day they were almost as confused, and wrote about Harry touching down in LA ahead of the grammys, even though what really happened was him taking off from LA to Sydney ahead of their tour (great job, daily mail).
For unrevealed purposes, Elounor shippers sent a lot of death threats to larries and told us to kill ourselves.
It was unsuccesfull, since the larries had already died.
"Louis and Harry" still trended worldwide.

H and L together in Sydney. They left their hotel and went to the Arena to rehearse for the first OTRA show. There was some debate to whether or nor they went and left together or not.
Harry answered a fan on twitter
and said he was going to be wearing a little black dress for the first show. He also tweeted "
As far as I'm aware, the doors are open. And we're On The Road Again.".
He followed some fans, apparently a car full of them he'd met ad followed in exchange of them not literally folowing him.
Eleanor posted a picture of a hotel room in London on IG.

Cambio wrote an article about Harry "snubbing his friends" because of Nadine.
MTV claimed they had gotten tattoos. Daily Mail wrote about the rehearsals at the stadium and Melly being there (they originally thoght she was eleanor, but changed it after fans told them it wasn't).
Some media outlets talked about Eleanor not being interested in Louis...
The fandom was speculating about Eleanor staying at a hotel in London because Louis has a house there. There was still a worldwide "Harry and Louis" trend.
Of course there were Elounor break-up rumors following her recent IG activity.

H and L together in Sydney. Fans said they arrived together at the stadium. During the first OTRA show, they entered the stage side by side and there were some interaction during the show: Usual staring from Harry during You&I and night changes, and them going to the bathroom at the same time. A lot of mirroring. Louis changed his lyrics to "So let's just fuck again" and Harry changed his to "Tell me will you ever fuck me again?".
Harry yelled "I'M PREGNANT". Rainbow bondage bear was on stage. Everything is included in this post and this post.

L_T tweeted that it was an amazing first OTRA show. He then tweeted hours later that he was exited for the next show.

 Daily Mail posted an article about Harry and Nadine enjoying a "romantic" yoghurt-date yet again. They were referring to one of the ones with Jeff and Glenne - Jeff, however, was described as an "assistant" and Glenne was completely left out of the article.
Hollywood Life wrote about it too.
#HarryIsPregnantFromLouis trended worldwide 10 minutes after Harry said he was pregnant. Some update accounts said that harry yelled "go crazy"...

H and L Together, 2nd OTRA show in Sydney. Same level of interaction as the night before. Harry asked two boys if they were on a date. They took some fan photos backstage after the show.

Harry Tweeted "Sydney, you've been amazing. Perfect way to start the tour. Thank you for having us. We hope you had a good time. All the love. H".
Johannah retweeted a Larrie and Phoebe (whom nobody knows whether is real or not) also posted a pisture from Jays wedding of Harry and the Tomlinson family, captioning it "#Life". 
The Mirror posted an article about Harry and Nadine the "Hot new girlfriend". In this one neither Jeff nor Glenne is mentioned.
 International Business Times (wut?) posted an article about the harry-dumping-friends-for-nadine thing.
After all the interaction between Harry and Louis, the Larries speculated about Elounor pictures coming up.

Harry MIA (in Sydney).
Louis in Sydney on a yacht in Sydney with Eleanor, Sophia, Liam, Niall, Melly and others, celebrating Sophia's birthday. We later (very conveniently timed) found out he was also at bondi beach with Eleanor.

Harry wished Matt Irwin a happy birthday on twitter and posted this picture on IG.

Louis flew from Sydney to Brisbane with Zayn. Harry flew with Niall and Liam. (there is no pics placing them in different flights, update accounts said that there were two planes about 20 mins apart...).
L_T tweeted twice about football. Once mentioning a football player named Harry.

This is random, but funny.

Both in Brisbane.
Louis arrived with Zayn.
Harry arrived in Brisbane with Niall and Liam. (they might have all arrived together).

He took some adorbs pics with a fans and her baby after the OTRA show at night, where there was more interaction than usual during some parts of the concert.
Louis_Tomlinson tweeted that it had been a great show and a great way to start to tour. He retweeted some football thing, mentioning another guy named Harry.
Daily Mail wrote about all of the boys flying together.

Louis MIA (but probably in Sydney).
Harry MIA (but probably in Sydney).

L_T tweeted about a car with "donny" stickers on the back in Australia.

Louis flew from Sydney to Melbourne with Liam.

Harry tweeted "Happy Valentine's Day .x" and "Show in Melbourne tonight, can't wait to see all of you.. See you soon". L_T retweeted another football thing with yet another guy named harry. He also promo'ed a band named hollow coves and tweeted "Boom" which puzzled people. He then tweeted he was looking forward to the show in Melbourne.

Both in Melbourne, OTRA show at Ethihad Stadium. Louis went out with Liam and got DRUNK, which resulted in an unfortunate vine.. Harry and the other boys also went out, and pictures places them at the same club at some time during the night.

Louis changed his profile pic on twitter to an egg.
The first Elounor picture from Bondi beach on yacht day appeared 6 hours after the unfortunate-vine.

The fandom went into meltdown because of the vine. Some update accounts didn't comment on it, while others was stating stuff like "No matter what, we will support Louis". The larries were obviously over the moon, but expected a huge backlash from the #ImGayItsPrettyUnfortunate ww trend that started moments after the vine was released.
Latin Post claimed Harry and Nadine were moving in together. So did OceanUp. Taytay were for some reason included in those articles.

Both in Melbourne.
Harry played tennis with Liam during the day.
OTRA show at Ethihad Stadium. They took a bathroom break together, resulting in Niall being confused, saying "Where's Louis? Where's Harry?" which resulted in the audience going crazy. (there are vines and videos.)
Harry took some pics with fans in the evening.

They he went with Niall to a casino in the evening and stayed there until early morning.Meet and greet after the show with some fans (pics).
Louis tweeted about him being an egg, writing that the owner of the last pic was crying so he needed
a new one.

LOADS of pics of Elounor at bondi beach on Yacht day (the info in this link in incorrect but these are the pics) appeared in both articles and on update accounts.
A weird article about Harry's many exes and Nadine being angry about it was posted on unrealityTV.
Sugarscape posted an article about the rumors of Harry and Nadine moving in together.
Yahoo celebrity UK wrote about the "I'm gay, it's pretty unfortunate"-drunk night.
Daily Mail also wrote about it, making it a joke. Earlier in the day they wrote about Louis and Liam going to celebrate valentines day without their girlfriends. Harry or any of the other boys being there wasn't mentioned.
Metro wrote about the vine, also making it a joke.
Even a french paper wrote about the vine.

The fandom was still freaking out about the vine. Larries were celebrating because the newspapers wrote about it, and laughing because of the new Elounor pics. #ImGayItsPrettyUnfortunate was still trending 1st ww.
The rest of the fandom, including update accounts started retracting their statements and claimed that Louis definitely was talking about a birthday, and not being gay in the vine.

Both in Melbourne, then Adelaide. (pics of Harry and Niall arriving) Louis left with Zayn (pics+ video) - it's a bit unclear whether they all flew together (update accounts are saying they flew seperately, logic says they flew together).
Harry went to Steve Noonan's 24th birthday party with Niall..And gave him a cake with naked men on.
Louis, Zayn and Liam went out.

Harry tweeted "Thanks for having us Melbourne. The shows were amazing, you're very nice." and congratulated a fan on her birthday. Louis retweeted the picture Zayn posted with him, Liam  and friends. He also posted a link for a charity on FB.
AIMH reached 900K rt's.
The fandom went crazy because of AIMH. Larries celebrated and elounor shippers sent death threats and made an effort to rt Obamas tweet (at 3rd place for most rt'ed) because they were angry.
#WeLoveYouEleanor trended ww because Eleanor looked very skinny in the latest 'candids' from bondi beach and people were worried. There were multiple opinions on the hashtag, but all parts of the fandom helped trend it. There were also people angry about the concept in all parts of the fandom.

International Business Times wrote about Nadine being angry with Taylor because of Harry.
Yahoo celebrity UK posted an article saying that Louis said "birthday" and not "i'm gay". They also wrote about Harry and Niall's drunk casino trip. Daily Mail also posted an article about the "misleading vine". Aaand one about the vine in combination with "romantic" new Elounor pics:  "One directions Louis Tomlinson enjoys romantic beach walk with girlfriend Eleanor Calder, as one directions fans wrongly speculates about his sexuality after misleading vine"... They posted this article earlier in the day about the vine.

Apparently Harry, Louis, Des and maybe others went out to dinner together in Melbourne.
Both performing in Adelaide, Australia.
Harry left Adelaide with Liam and Niall (this is on the 18th in aus i think).

Harry posted this photo on IG and tweeted "Adelaide thank you for having us.. You were amazing tonight. H" and "Thank you everyone who's been voting for us for Best British Video at the @Britawards. Keep voting, you're very nice. #BRITONEDIRECTION". Then he posted another photo on instagram with the caption "toilette", which is technically french. Louis tweeted about Eden Dora trust's upcoming birthday.
The Larries celebrated once again because of the restaurant visit. There was speculation that Harry's IG post was from the restaurant's toilets.

Yahoo Celeb UK wrote about Harry's never-ending renovation of his 'home', including a rumor about him having build in a bar. 

Louis MIA (rumored to be on Hamilton Island with Zayn, last seen in Melbourne).
Harry MIA (in Perth probably).
(possibly having dinner with Lottie and crew).
Update accounts said that Louis and Zayn went to Hamilton Island. There was some discussion about that because there wasn't (and still isn't) any proof.
 UnrealityTV posted an article about Harry and Nadine moving in together (and nadine being jealous of Taylor. again). Daily mail posted an article about some girl saying she slept with three of the boys..

19.Harry probably in Melbourne during the day (but MIA before the flight).
He flew from Melbourne to perth with Niall and Liam. (fan pics)
Louis MIA (rumored to be on Hamilton Island, these pictures are supposed to be from there.).

Harry posted a photo on IG with the caption "Quiet dinner". He also posted another photo with the caption "chains around my feet". The caption and the picture is almost certainly a reference to johnny cash's "I got stripes".
Update accounts still said Zayn and Louis were on Hamilton Island. The rest of the fandom were confused as to WHY they would go there for such a short time in such bad weather and if they even did go there at all. Obviously larries reacted to the possibility of Harry having dinner with L's sister and were also headcanon'ing about H's IG post.

Daily Mail wrote about Zayn and Louis maybe being stuck on Hamilton Island.They also included the source of the rumors.

H and L together, OTRA show in Perth, Australia. Harry wore a pink shirt an little gold glittery dots. Louis called Harry "Harold" during the show, and Harry was apparently hanging out with Lou and Lux before the show. Harry flew to Osaka after the show with Niall and Liam (loads of airport pics when they arrived (it was the 21st in Japan then)).
Louis went MIA after the show, but was rumored (with no proof whatsoever, except for this picture) to be flying to LA.
None of them used social media.

Yahoo Celebrity UK wrote about Louis and Zayn NOT being stuck on Hamilton Island. So did Daily Mail.
The fandom was happy about the "Harold" thing and wishing for no Elounor during the short break before Osaka on the 24th. Some update accounts said that El was at the concert (she wasn't). Then they collectively posted the same snapchat, claiming that it was from this day and that Louis and Zayn where going to LA, which made people..confused.

Harry in Osaka, Japan. ( rumored to be clubbing in the evening.)
Louis (and Zayn) MIA (rumored to be in LA (no pics)).
Before he left, Harry tweeted "Australia, thanks for having us. You were amazing. Thank you to everyone who came to the shows. Hope to see you again soon. All the love".
He also liked a peculiar photo on Liv Tyler's IG of a baby hand with a key holder with a anchor and a rope on it.

Louis tweeted (technically on the 21st) an answer to Liam while drunk, writing "ya shhhhhhhtinky !!.
 The larries lost it over the keyholder-thing. The update accounts wrote a thousand things about Zouis in LA - primarely that they went straight from the airport to a party. Some LA-stalkers implied they had seen Zayn and maybe Louis.
Daily mail wrote an article about Harry going solo.

Harry in Osaka (loads of airport pics). He also went out to eat. Allegedly these pics are from him out in Osaka later in the evening.
Louis MIA (rumored to be in LA. One picture of Zayn in LA was posted on (their publicist) Mike Navarro's IG).

Harry tweeted "日本だいすき." .... Which means "Japan love" according to google translate, but more likely "Love Japan." in reality. He also posted this picture on IG with the caption "the ultimate combination".
AIMH reached 1M rt's. Louis tweeted
happy Birthday to Eden Dora trust right after.
Gemma retweeted a conversation between a little boy and his father about gay marriages right after AIMH hit 1M. Fizzy posted a string of emoji's a the maybe-phoebe and maybe-daisy both retweeted AIMH.
Then Gemma retweeted BBC talking about same-sex babies being a possibility during the next two years.
Harry followed a Japanese fan.
The fandom went crazy, because the tweet  rt's exellerated SO fast. Larries celebrated when it hit 1M. Because it was 4 years since the "it's mutual, we've discussed it"-video, an 'anniversary' was also celebrated (and somehow Harry's passcode on his phone being 2202 was tied into all that celebrating).
 "1M rt's" and #HappyAnniversaryLarry trended worldwide.
Larries went even more crazy because of especially Gemmas retweets.

Elounor shippers tried to trend #LouisDeleteAlwaysInMyHeart and the tag was basically just filled with death threats to larries. They didn't succeed in trending the tag. posted an article about Harry liking Nadine for her independence. It talks about harry wanting to shed his womanizer image because he's serious about Nadine. The source is a mysterious source-type person.
...And daily mail was weird an posted an article about none of the other members tweeting about Zayn being sick, so therefore being bad friends. Aight.

Louis (and zayn) finally arrived to Osaka (loads of video + pics)(this might give you an idea og just HOW late they arrived compared to their next show). Louis MIA before that.  he was rumored to be out clubbing. No pics, though...
Harry was just...strolling around in Osaka (good amount of fan pics).He also ate at a restaurant with Cal and got mobbed...

Harry tweeted "おおさか、がんばります!" which means "Osaka, i will do my best!".
Louis tweeted that he was looking forward to the show.
Yahoo posted an article about AIMH reaching 1M.
Sugarscape linked to this post on their twitter several times in celebration of AIMH reaching 1M.

Both together at their first show in Osaka, Japan. Some interaction during the show. MIA during the day. Louis was rumored to be out clubbing. No pics, though.
Louis tweeted twice about Ruby's fund.

Nothing in particular out of the ordinary happened in the fandom, i don't think. Update accounts were fighting a little about whether or not Harry was out clubbing with the rest of the band.

H and L together at second show in Osaka. They left Osaka sometime that night, without pictures.
Harry tweeted " おおさか、おおきに" which is a way of saying "Thank you, Osaka".He also posted this picture on IG with the caption "thou shalt have a fishy when the boat comes in". He then two times to get people to vote for the brits, and once to thank people for doing so. Louis also tweeted about the brits twice and Eden Dora trust once.
The fandom stopped talked about 1D and started talking about the little black/blue/white/gold dress.

H and L both in Tokyo (harry in fan pics, louis MIA - both rumored to be clubbing briefly in the evening with the other boys).

Harry thanked people on twitter again for voting for the brits. He also tweeted "さいたま、がんばります!" which means "Saitama, i will do my best!".

He also posted a photo on IG earlier in the day with the caption "My winding wheel" which is a reference to a song by Ryan Adams. (There is a lot going on with that post, including the two pairs of shoes in the lower left corner. Read my post about it.) He then followed a fan on twitter he'd apparently met three times in Japan.
The larries talked about the two shoes in Harry's G post... And that's pretty much it.
People talked about the dress...........

Harry and Louis both in Tokyo. Louis MIA during the day. Harry visited Louis Vuitton (and took fan pics)

 OTRA show in Tokyo with some shared looks, usual staring through night changes and You & I. Harry yelled "LOUEEH!" without a microphone and Louis responded "OiOi!"
Harry posted this picture on IG with the caption "Tokyo". Louis posted a selfie with a fan in a Donny shirt.
Cambio posted an article about Harry and  Nadine. It talks about whether she will join the boys on tour or not, which their "source-y person" says she will.

OTRA show in tokyo.
Louis and Harry both in Tokyo, clubbing with Zayn and Lottie (pics of them seperately arriving at the club). Liam and Niall might have joined, as there are pics of Lilo at the club H, L and Z were seen entering.

Louis tweeted about the shows in Japan being great at answered a update account who tweeted him in Japanese.
Larries went crazy because H and L were confirmed to be socially engaging in public - and for the first time in a long time with a picture to prove it.

Note: This is not entirely done yet. I'm missing some media-stuff, but i've finished the social media and location stuff.
I am working on January, a little more than halfway done. The March timeline will be posted when we're more than 3 days in :).