
Saturday, 31 January 2015


Yesterday "Harry's in Arizona" trended ww. The picture people are claiming is from Arizona is this one:
 There is literally no other indications of him being in Arizona other than the fact that people claim this photo was taken there, and are speculating that he could be going to the super bowl. yet there is no way to tell whether that photo is from Arizona or not.
These pictures also showed up sometime yesterday:
..In which harry is shopping in LA wearing the exact same outfit as he did in the "Arizona" picture. I think it's somewhat safe to conclude that Harry is still in LA and not in Arizona. Especially when you pair it with the fact that it's his birthday tomorrow and that he probably would be spending that day with either his family or his friends, band and Lou in LA.
#HappyBirthdayHarryStyles is already trending 1st worldwide btw:

Louis and Liam has been pictured with some guys who are apprently from Nickelback in the studio with Julian:

I am still wondering whether the entire band will ever be together before the tour starts.... Practice, you know.

Friday, 30 January 2015

Bullshit rumor of the day

This article, and this article is all about how Harry is spending his time with "Girlfriend" Nadine Leopold.
I find it ridiculous that the tabloids have decided that they're dating because they've been seen buying yoghurt together and he was invited to her birthday. Nothing much more to say about that, other than funny how these "inside sources" (*cough*PR*cough*) always seem to have a lot of dirt on Harry as soon as it's time for promo.
I'm so sorry he still has to be portrayed as a womanizer or some sort of primitive idiot who can't keep his hands to himself as soon as a beautiful woman is near him. Jeez.

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Harry likes the charity fund!

Harry just faved this on twitter:
... Which of course doesn't mean he's coming out or anything, but it's nice to know he appreciates the fund raising done in honour of him.
It's also noteworthy that he only has 25 faves in total. And that none of those other favs are charity-related and are primarely cute animals, asides from this friendly reminder:

.. Just sayin'.

Harry in LA 2015 01.23

 AHAHA, this is ridiculous (yet understandable), but "Harry in LA 2015 01.23" is trending worldwide:
And if you're wondering, it's just because he looked insanely beautiful:

Recording/ practicing update

It appears that Harry and Louis (and probably also the rest of the guys) are with Julian:
Which means they're probably practicing for the tour. I'd been wondering when they'd do that and it's nice to know they're spending time together. (also, it reminds me that the OTRA tour starts soon, and that means there's a little less time before i get to experience them live)

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Monday, 26 January 2015

Louis_Tomlinson fail... again

Louis_Tomlinson just tagged himself in a tweet which he then deleted and posted again without tagging himself:

Honestly, this twitter thing is getting ridiculous.

Jeff In Harrys shirt?

So, i haven't seen people discussing this on twitter, but i don't know about tumblr, since i'm not really on there as much.
I knew i'd seen the shirt Jeff was wearing at his birthday party before, and after some digging, i found out i was right:
The first picture is of Harry, Nick and some security guy at a festival in 2012. The next is from Jeffs' birthday party this week. They might just have the same shirt, but it's a strange coincidence.
I thought it was worth mentioning, because i haven't seen anyone else speaking about it.

Harry LA pics

Harry is out and about (with starbucks) in LA:

And oh yeah, he looks unrealisticly perfect as always.

Bullshit Rumor of the day

This. is. ridiculous.
ahahahaha, i don't even know what to say, i think sugarscape makes it clear that those rumors are stupid.

Read This (for reference)

I'm posting this because it might be (and have previously been) necessary, and i'll just link to this post anywhere it's needed.

I just want to say something real quick.I'm a way too dedicated larry shipper, so i decided to create this blog to get people on board the ship. Or just get the facts straight, really.
I find that a lot of Larry supporters out there tends to overreact and sees everything as a proof, and I just wanted to keep the real proof in focus and leave the rest to the deluded ones.
I try to keep myself as objective as possible while analyzing the proofs and i will state when i don't see a specific "proof" as actual proof, regardless of how heartbreaking it might be for you. (and me).

I also find it incredibly important to say that i do in no way condemn the rude and horrible behavior some shippers have towards one another, and that i wont be going into any discussions with Elounor shippers unless they're rational discussions with mutual respect.

Furthermore i think it is important that the ship and support stays within the fandom. I don't want to push Louis and Harry to come out and i don't want to involve Eleanor or either of the winter-girlfriends directly. They are probably all nice girls involved in a not-so.-nice situation.
I think subtle things like trending topics on twitter and making sure that Larry knows there is support if/when they come out is the key to keeping the fandom a healthy environment. All the hate and bickering between both band vs. fans and fans vs. fans wont get any of us nowhere.

That wasn't really "real quick".


Since Louis arrived in LA with Eleanor, (and Sophia and Liam) Harry hasn't posted anything on social media. Louis_Tomlinson has only tweeted once, of course about Celebrity Big Brother.

I just thought i'd update because i'm bored that nothing happens.

Oh and btw, the girl that started the rumor the other day turned out to be the same girl that previously said she spotted Elounor in france and also started some other ridiculous rumors. She must have incredible amounts of sparetime.
(all right, i should just stfu, i have a blog dedicated to Larry)

Here's a gif of Harrys' world momentarily stopping

Saturday, 24 January 2015

Larry-date update

The girl who says that Harry and Louis is at the dinner place she's at, is allegedly still there waiting she says.
Which doesn't really make sense if you compare it with this alleged waitress' story:

..Unless of course they left through the back door which would make sense if they were actually there (especially considering the rumors on twitter and tumblr).
You might have noticed that the "waitress" doesn't tag louis' actual account, which is weird, but maybe because she isn't -at least not openly, judging from her profile- a 1D fan.
this is atm completely unlikely to be true i think.

Update: The waitress is answering A LOT of questions, and is now claiming Jeff Azoff and Eleanor was there with them (check the link for her profile, there's really too many questions and answers to post here).
She said after people asked, that there were 4 people. When fans showed her pictures of jeff, she said that that was the guy. Then she confirmed that Eleanor was the girl in the same way - a fan showed her a picture.
She also answered that Harry and Louis were sitting next to each other and not beside the "tall brunette".
In the meantime, the girl who started the whole thing is claiming to have left now.

Update 2: I believe the "Waitress" just admitted she lied, starting off by tweeting "I mean... do i deserve an emmy or what?", changing her name and then tweeting "that's to show you how easy it is to fake things on the internet! Don't believe in everything you read, have a nice day xox". HAHA, i kind of love this girl. Seriously, that is hilarious.
The girl who originally said that Harry and Louis were having dinner together is still claiming she's speaking the truth.

Twitter rumors and more

There's more pictures of Harry from yesterday at Jeff Azoffs birthday party. Here's one (ehehe, drunk hazza):
Also some girl on twitter is claiming that Larry is having dinner in a private room a the dining place she's at:
I say pics or it didn't happen. But as you can probably tell from her updates, so did a lot of other people. Let's just wait and see, but honestly i think it's untrue.


Harry tweeted "cake-gate".
So I found out what cakegate is through this article which was the first search result when i typed in "cake-gate" on google. Just click the link, the picture at the top of the article kind of says it all. another tweet referring to gay rights.

Also, this picture is from 01.23.15 (yesterday for me):

Friday, 23 January 2015

Larry Is Immortal

 #LarryIsImmortal is trending 1st worldwide. It's reassuring that so many people still ships Larry, but yet i can't help to think that it might provoke M!M to further seperate Harry and Louis. I don't Know.

This fun little interaction also went on between Mike Adam (the shocked host of the famous lovebite-interview) and some shipper:
Hmm. I think the quote Mike Adam wrote in combination with the fact that he then retweeted a Larry shipper that answered that exact quote could maybe mean that the original tweet is referring to the Elounor + Harry and Nadine pictures that have emerged in these last couple of days.
Mike Adam openly ships Larry, and have talked to Larry fans before, so it wouldn't surprise me if he'd cuaght up on the whole bearding-picture thing. Just a thought.

Update Elounor and Hack

A few more photos of Elounor at LAX has appeared:

People say they are pap photos, but i haven't been able to find the original source.

There's also a hacking situation going on with 1D and the whole SONY-hack thing. Late last year SONY was hacked, which everybody probably knows by now. Just now, sugarscape posted an article about it, (referring to The Mirror as original source), suggesting that SONY can't do anything further to prevent things from leaking.
The information is from an "anonymous insider" so it could be completely untrue. However, if things were actually going to leak, i think it would be a great idea for PR/management to tell the press beforehand through an "inside source", just to kind of soften the blow.

Hacking of personal emails is of course not all right, but if 1D's emails actually end up getting leaked, i hope M!M will look like idiots.
I also just wanna point out that (since the article is suggesting this) if nudes were posted, it would be wrong to look at them. I know people are going to do it, but it is completely not all right. It is basically like spying on somebody naked through their window.
I am in general just too politically correct to truly celebrate this hacks' possible outcome. Even if M!M got exposed and Larry was proven. But the news is very noteworthy either way.

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Harry and Nadine

I woke up to see exactly what everyone expected.
 I mean, since Louis is in the same city as Harry, it's kind of a must that he's seen with some girl just to make things less suspicious.(which btw doesn't work, because this happens every time)
These are some of the pictures from Harry And Nadines coffee-outing:
You can't see Nadines face here, but there are other pictures that shows it is definitely her.

So anyway, i don't really know what to say more about this except it's hilariously typical and also Harry looks pwettyy.
Oh and yeah, i don't get why people are hating on Nadine. I don't really know much about her (except for the enormous amount of articles magazines has posted about her since she was first seen with Harry), but She and Harry at least seems comfortable around each other and are probably good friends.

I really hope M!M aren't going to make her the new almost-winter-girlfriend, but since she first appeared in pictures with harry in late november/ early december, it is definitely a possibility that that is the plan. Let's hope not.
But until then i think we should just appreciate that  literally no one on the fandom freaks out about these pictures with girls anymore because they're all timed so predictably it's crazy.

Escalator Theory and look-alike pic

I was thinking, thus this update.
I found out that some escalators can go both ways, depending on whether people are boarding or arriving. It still doesn't explain the "boarding" sign, but maybe that could clear up the whole escalator-pic-thing just a little bit.

I've also spotted a pic flowing around of two people seen from the back in LAX airport. The picture is from sometime previously this week.
Some people believe it's Larry, but i seriously doubt it. The "louis" on the picture has appears to have a tattoo on the back of his leg and also there's a lot more small details that seems a little off. Judge for yourselves:
I just wanted to give you my take on the current situation. I can't stop stalking Larry today. woops.

Larry in LA ?

This video is interesting. It appears that Louis' voice can be heard at the end of it. Judge for yourselves and conclude whether Larry met up in LA or not. It is apparently filmed last night, according to the instagram account that posted it and it certainly sound a lot like Louis.

Someone also pointed out that after Harrys' tweet "An hour(and a bit)glass", which could be a lyrics reference, also strangely matches the one hour and a bit that went from the time of his tweet to the time the Elounor photo appeared on social media.

I'd like to point out that i don't necessarily agree tat this whole escalator/LA theory is the right one, i'm just putting it out there because people are speaking about it.

And oh yeah, Louis_Tomlinson was tweeting Dominos at 8am LA time today. Yass.

Elounor in LA update

I said i'd update on the whole Elounor situation. That has turned out to be quite the task, but i'll try.

So it was correct that Lou and El took a seperate flight from Sophiam and that all of them flew to LAX. I haven't been able to find the original leak of this information or even what exact information was leaked, but update accounts strangely suddenly knew.
I didn't give it much thought at the time, but josh devine (their drummer) tweeted this:
Kind of weird to be giving out exact information like that, which by coincidence is about the same airport that Sophiam, El and Lou arrived in.

From what i've heard, there were only 15 fans waiting at the airport when Louis arrived, and no one knew where he was. They knew he was there based on these pictures of Alberto loading luggage:

Right.Alberto is Louis' bodyguard, but it seems he kind of acted as a decoy, because when Elounor did show up an hour and a bit later, they weren't accompanied by him. And this weirdly cropped thing is the only picture of them from the airport:
 The fact that there was only one picture taken and they look mad as hell is weird in itself. The fact that they apparently planted a decoy for 15 fans seems even weirder.
But things get even stranger. I kept the image in it's original size for a purpose.
Look at the sign in the upper right corner. Then look at the yellow sign next to Eleanors foot.
This is kind of explanatory of what i just said if you can't spot it:
Now i'd like you to explain to me WHY they're walking on the escalators the wrong way? And goes away from the boarding-zone instead of coming out of the arrival-zone? I expected a Elounor picture after the LA-news, but this seems so weird.

Oh yeah, and this appears to be the original photo source.
It seems to be a 5SOS fan, who also managed to capture something like 50 shots of Liam and Sophia. Actually the source seems somewhat credible, but when you pair it with the fact that no one else got pictures of them, that this one photo is very weird and that everyone else got photos of Liama few hours later, it just seems so weird.

Fans are complaining about Liam ignoring them and paps at the airport and there are plenty of pictures.
There is no fans complaining on twitter about not getting photos with Louis, yet no one has any. No one is speaking about meeting him at the airport, yet this one fan managed to find them and get a (weird) picture.

I don't even know what to conclude from this. I think that maybe Louis and Eleanor did arrive together in LA, but that management made sure that they controlled the entire thing. The other possibility is that they didn't arrive together, and management just wanted it to seem as though they did, hence the whole decoy-thing. In that case, the photo could have been set up.

In any case, this is a weird turn of events. I just expected a couple of bearding-pics with maybe a cup of starbucks and some fan vids of the whole thing, and instead we just got a whole lot of shadyness and one even shadier picture.

Video Clip from recent interview

Sugarscape posted this article which contains a 20 second clip of the boys answering a question about musical influences. I'm not exactly sure when this was filmed, but it's nice to see them on video again.

Update+ This Week in Larry World

I thought it would be a good idea to do weekly summaries of what happened in the fandom and with the boys. Of course i can't include everything and i'm only going to sum up things i find relevant.
This sum-up is a timeline of what happened since i started this blog approximately 10 days ago.
If you need details on the events, go back and read previous posts made on the day of events.

Week 1 on Elf&Broomstick:
Harry have been in LA for the entire 10 days. Louis has been in various places in the UK.
January 13th: The "Always in my heart"-tweet beats Obamas "four more years"-tweet and becomes the second most retweeted ever. A LOT of credible papers wrote articles about it. Louis_Tomlinson tweeted about CBB.
January 14th: Harry tweeted "I study rainbows." That kind of speaks for itself. Louis_Tomlinson continuued to tweet about CBB. Louis was at a football match (don't really remember where, but it's really irrelevant, apart from the cute fan pictures).
January 15th: Some guy posted a fan picture he'd taken with Louis with a hateful comment, which resulted in Louis answering and a thousand angry 1D fans forcing him to quit twitter. Louis_Tomlinson then continuued to tweet about CBB. And pizzahut.
Taylor Swift and Harry was also spotted at the same Birthday party in LA which is kind of irrelevant asides from the fact that it caused a lot of rumors for no reason. Harry tweeted "Serendipity"
January 16th: Harry tweeted "Cake?" and "I had gloves on all day." and some people freaked out because apparently there's a wedding avenue called "Serendipity lane" not long from a place called "Serendipity cakes" who makes wedding cakes. The glove thing might have got something to do with a custom glove manufactorer Harry recently followed on twitter who makes gloves for performances. Louis_Tomlinson, not surprisingly, kept tweeting about CBB.(do i have to keep writing this? - just assumes this is what's happening from now on unless i write otherwise)
January 17th: Harry tweeted a quote about bucket hats, while Cara Delevigne posted a photo on instagram with a group of friends wearing bucket hats. Therefore i'm assuming they hung out in LA together.
January 18th: Nothing happened apart from irrelevant Tweets and fandom rumors.
January 19th: People started talking about trending Larry-related #'s on saturday.
January 20th: Sugarscape posted an article about Meghan Trainor and Harry writing a song together, where Meghan says that "harry knows love".
January 21st: Update accounts tweeted about Louis, Eleanor, Liam and Sophia flying to LA from Heathrow. The "couples" apparently flew in seperate flights acording to the accounts.
January 22nd: A picture of Eleanor and Louis in an airport showed up. There is some debate of whether the picture is from LA or Heathrow.  People are speculating whether they are even in LA. I'll update on this when there's more clarity. Harry tweeted "An hour(and a bit)glass." which might be Lyrics to the song "hourglass" by Mindy Gledhill.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Quick update

I think i'm going to do sort of a recap of what happened this week later today or tomorrow, but i just wanted to mention some things that's been going around in the fandom lately.
First of all, people are talking about trending som Larry-related #'s and tagging Harry in them on Saturday. I'm not into that thing, because trending topics on twitter won't get management to suddenly let them come out.
I know they need to know that there's support, but i believe they do. They have proven multiple times that they go through the Larry-tags on twitter anyways (check my twitter explanation if you need proof).

Then there's also the fact that the "always in my heart"-tweet has reached 829.835 retweets as of right now.

And then i kind of want people to enjoy this guy from BB16 because he ships Larry big time while trying to hide his own love for a man. Just another ship to jump on board if you like.

Oh yeah, and the love duet

I forgot to mention something i found quite funny. Meghan Trainor and Harry have apparently been recording an accoustic love song, and take a look at what Sugarscape wrote about it.
So, apparently Harry "knows what love is".......

Getting my feels out.

I'm feeling sentimental today.Also, nothing Larry-related seems to be happening these days i think, so i'm just spending time looking at old Larry stuff and wishing things were still like this... ugh.
Here's a little series of pictures from TXF which i like to call "move your hands zayn":

Ahahahaha. That moment is SO underappreciated. I love how Harry is just like "no bro, don't fucking stroke my shoulder" and Louis is just like quietly observing while harry moves his hand, hahaha. This is really the difference between Harrys' and Louis' relationship vs. any of the other relationships in the band.. Aww.

Here's more adorableness:

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Harry is with Cara

As the title says, I think Cara and Harry are together right now based on their recent social media activity:
I don't think people should freak out though, since Cara and Harry never actually even pretended to date and people were only speculating.
Oh and yeah, Cara dates women.
(which is also relevant because i have a major crush on her)

Anyways, here's another cute gif of fetus larry:

Friday, 16 January 2015

Ed and 18

I just found this article which i haven't actually seen before. I've read people talking about it but never actually read an article. But, this is Ed Sheeran talking about "18"...

Here's Harry and Louis being cute

Thank you Taylor

Haha. I'm actually thanking Taylor Swift.
She very nicely managed to make the haylor rumors seems even more irrelevant by liking this photoshopped article:

Haylor bs and stuff

So there's been some Haylor rumors flowing around since yesterday.
Frankly, i find them quite ridiculous as the only thing that's happened is the two of them meeting my coincidence at a mutual friends' birthday party. "Harry and Taylor" trended in the US on twitter yesterday because of it, which i find absolutely astonishing.
Sugarscape posted an article about the whole ordeal, which is kind of funny.

Here is a completely unrelated gif

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Twitter Bully

So.. apparently this guy has made quite a stir in the fandom because a public twitter post mocking Louis. Everything is explained in this article. Except for the part where thousand of people started hating on the Ed-guy on twitter afterwards... and he just keeps tweeting things to provoke.
I find this whole thing incredibly ridiculous, but still worth a mention.

Football Harry

This article is sort of suggestive. Worth a mention i thought, even thought the articles' focus in itself is kind of weird... But Harry does look pwetty when he footballses, Haha.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015



Captain Sugarscape of the Larry ship!

Hahaha. This article on, including the video is yet another reason to love sugarscape.

 I'm not gonna post links to every single article that has mentioned the "Always" tweet, because, frankly that's becoming kind of an enormous job to do. This one is just too great to leave out.

Rainbow Harry

Let's just thank Mr.Harry Styles  for continuing his ambiguous tweeting:

And keep in mind this was tweeted today, right after every single online magazine and actual papers wrote about the "always in my heart" tweet being the second most retweeted ever.
I'm sure the Eluonor shippers pointing out that he could be talking about actual rainbows have a point, but it just seems a little peculiar to me with the timing (and along with the hundreds of other tweets of his that can in some way be related to Larry or coming out).

Some Elounor shipper also pointed out on twitter that it could be about skittles.
I'm not even going to comment on that.
..or well. actually, i'd like to say that i find it weird that Elounor shippers relate more things to larry than Larries actully do. It's like everytime something involving Harry or Louis happens, the first time anyone mentions it, it's usually a Elounor shipper saying "i bet those crazy deluded people are gonna relate this to Larry".
Funny that

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Always on cambio

Yet another one. This one is considerably more considerate towards the larry fandom though.


More "Always in my heart" related articles from MTV, Holy Moly, Entertainment Wise and Business insider india.

This seems to reach everyone... Maybe mostly because of the sad fact that poeple care more about Larry than the president. They certainly seem to mock larry shippers a bit in those articles, but i still think it's of great significance that they are in fact writing about it.
(I couldn't find the link to the Business Insider India article, sorry!)